what we: DO

We help organizations understand, navigate and simplify their regulatory compliance efforts so that they can focus on achieving business goals and reducing their regulatory burden while staying on the right side of the law.

who we: SERVE

We work with small businesses, nonprofits, educational institutions, and basically anyone who cares about being good at what they do, following the rules, but not letting rules get in the way of success.

how we: APPROACH

We follow a simple process, which includes identifying the regulations which apply, assessing performance to those regulations, developing a risk mitigation strategy, and finally establishing a proactive relationship between the appropriate agency and company reps for future reference.

who we: ARE

We are a business consulting, training, and market research firm founded by professionals with over 15 years experience in internal audit, market research, consulting, international trade and workforce development training.
Customer service and support representative with headset

where we: WORK

We are adventurers by heart and traditionalists by profession! You can find us working, presenting, and playing all over the world..from Tunisia to Japan, from Dallas to Des Moines. We can work on your site or remotely.
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select: PROJECTS

  • Quality assurance assessment of a nonprofit internal audit team
  • Transportation procurement compliance review for a local transportation agency
  • Training to international entrepreneurs on US import/export regulations
  • Job and workforce development training for refugees resettling to the US